

Who is Liable in a Burn Injury Accident


Accidents leading to burn injuries are often traumatic due to the pain they may cause, and the intrusive effects a burn injury can lead to in a victim’s life. Suffering a burn in an accident that arises due to the negligence of another party may give you the right to compensation under the law. To seek damages against the parties responsible, you must determine who may be liable for the accident and your subsequent burn injuries. Our team of lawyers and support staff at BrewerWood Law Firm can help you identify any party that may be at fault and, in turn, liable under the law for your losses following a burn injury accident.

Burn Injuries – What Are They Exactly

A burn does not always involve an open flame. Different types of burn injuries and severity of injury can occur in a burn injury accident. Understanding the types of burn injuries and how they can happen can help you determine who may be at fault for your particular injury. When you suffer any type of burn injury due to the actions or inaction of another party, the law may allow you to hold the parties responsible accountable through a burn injury lawsuit or claim.

  • Thermal burns – These are the most common types of burns that occur due to heat sources. A thermal burn may involve an open flame, flammable materials, hot liquids, objects, or substances.
  • Chemical burns – This type of burn occurs most often when an individual becomes exposed to hazardous substances involving chemicals that can harm their skin.
  • Electrical burns – Coming directly into contact with electricity can lead to burns.
  • Radiation burns – Sunburns are the most common type of radiation burn. However, radiation exposure can also occur during X-rays and other imaging procedures or medical treatments, which can lead to radiation burns.

Determining Liability in a Burn Injury Case

When a burn injury occurs as part of an accident, you will need to closely examine the parties involved to identify whether they may be responsible for your injuries under the law. Establishing negligence in a burn injury lawsuit involves an examination of the circumstances, the relationships between the parties, and how the accident occurred. A lawyer with our BrewerWood Law Firm can help you go over the details surrounding your accident and reveal what parties may potentially have liability under the law.

Common scenarios which can lead to negligent liability in a burn injury accident may include the following:

  • Workplace accidents
  • Traffic accidents
  • Unsafe conditions on private or public property
  • Defective products
  • Medical malpractice

How a BrewerWood Burn Injury Lawyer Can Help

A burn injury lawyer with the BrewerWood Law Firm can help you fight for the compensation you may be eligible for under the law from the outset of your burn injury case. We can help you investigate the cause of your burn injury accident, identify who may be responsible, and pursue compensation for your damages through an insurance claim or burn injury lawsuit. Our burn injury lawyers have the experience and background to navigate your case and provide you with professional legal guidance and support in the aftermath of a burn injury.

Advocating for You: BrewerWood Law Firm’s Burn Injury Team

Fighting for compensation of your losses following a burn injury can be uncertain and overwhelming. Contact a burn injury lawyer on our team to discuss what to do when you burn yourself and what legal options you may have available. There is no need to go through this difficult and painful time alone; the law gives you the right to seek compensation when your burn injuries arise due to negligence. Let us fight for those rights on your behalf so that you can begin to move forward following a burn injury accident.